Orginal Research
2023 September
Volume : 11 Issue : 3

Assessment of cardiac biochemical markers cystatin C and lipoprotein(a) and their relationship with glycemic control in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients

Aghade S, Argade S, Chandekar B, Bavikar J

Pdf Page Numbers :- 163-168

Sunita Aghade1,*, Sarika Argade2, Bhakti Chandekar3 and Jayshree Bavikar1


1Department of Biochemistry, Government Medical College, Aurangabad, Maharashtra 431004, India

2Department of Biochemistry, Government Medical College & Cancer Hospital, Aurangabad, Maharashtra 431005, India

3Department of Pharmacology, Mahatma Gandhi Mission Medical College, Aurangabad, Maharashtra 431003, India


*Corresponding author: Dr. Sunita M. Aghade, Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Government Medical College, Aurangabad, Maharashtra 431004, India. Email:


Received 13 February 2023; Revised 6 June 2023; Accepted 14 June 2023; Published 22 June 2023


Citation: Aghade S, Argade S, Chandekar B, Bavikar J. Assessment of cardiac biochemical markers cystatin C and lipoprotein(a) and their relationship with glycemic control in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. J Med Sci Res. 2023; 11(3):163-168. DOI:


Copyright: © 2023 Aghade S et al. Published by KIMS Foundation and Research Center. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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Introduction: Type 2 diabetes mellitus, is one of the predominant health emergencies of this century. Cardiovascular diseases are associated with raised morbidity and mortality in diabetes, contributing to substantial share of community health expenditure. This study was taken up to determine level of cardiac biomarkers cystatin C (CysC) and lipoprotein(a) (Lp(a)) & their association with glycemic control & lipid profile parameters to assess cardiovascular risk profile in type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Materials and methods: This study included 100 type 2 diabetes mellitus patients and 100 apparently healthy controls. Diabetic patients were categorised as good glycemic control (50) - HbA1c ≤ 7.5% and poor glycemic control (50) - HbA1c > 7.5% groups. Biochemical parameters CysC, Lp(a), HbA1c and lipid profile were analysed in all participants.

Results: Lp(a) and CysC were significantly increased in diabetic patients than in controls. CysC, total cholesterol (TC), low density lipoprotein (LDL), TC/HDL, LDL/ high density lipoprotein (HDL) ratio were significantly increased and HDL was decreased in poor glycemic control group than good glycemic control. CysC correlated positively with HbA1c, Lp(a), TC and LDL while negatively with HDL which was statistically significant. Correlation observed between Lp(a) and HbA1c was not significant.

Conclusion: Our study denotes increased cardiovascular disease risk in diabetic patients particularly in those with poor glycemic control. Evaluation of CysC and Lp(a) together, would ameliorate cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk prediction and facilitate appropriate interventions. This study aids in stratification of high-risk diabetic persons for cardiovascular diseases at early asymptomatic phases which will prevent or delay disease advancement and improve clinical outcomes in diabetic patients.


Keywords: diabetes mellitus; cystatin C; lipoprotein(a); glycemic control; dyslipidemia
