Orginal Research
2023 September
Volume : 11 Issue : 3

Functional outcome of rotating platform total knee arthroplasty - A prospective observational study

Kavalakkatt K, Roy ASS, Shibu R, Dhrushith EP, Suseelan A, Biju S

Pdf Page Numbers :- 204-209

Kevin Kavalakkatt1, Shyam Roy AS1, Shibu R1, Dhrushith EP1, Akhil Suseelan1, and Biju S1,*


1Department of Orthopaedics, Government Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala-695011, India


*Corresponding Author: Dr. Biju S, Associate Professor Orthopaedics, Government Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala-695011, India. Email:


Received 25 April 2023; Revised 13 June 2023; Accepted 22 June 2023; Published 30 June 2023


Citation: Kavalakkatt K, Roy ASS, Shibu R, Dhrushith EP, Suseelan A, Biju S. Functional outcome of rotating platform total knee arthroplasty - A prospective observational study. J Med Sci Res. 2023; 11(3):204-209. DOI:


Copyright: © 2023 Kavalakkatt K et al. Published by KIMS Foundation and Research Center. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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Introduction: Rotating platform (RP) is a form of mobile-bearing design for total knee arthroplasty (TKA). This reduces the polyethylene contact stresses and the forces acting on tibial component and bone cement interfaces. It increases the femoral roll-back and flexion. The objective was to assess the functional outcome of rotating platform design in primary TKA, in patients with osteoarthritis of knee and the association of age and gender with the outcome.

Materials and methods: A prospective observational study was done on 42 patients who underwent primary TKA with RP design and followed-up for one year. The outcome was assessed with the Knee Society Score at one year. Data analysis was done using statistical package SPSS V-27.0.

Results: The mean age was 64.33(±6.12). The mean pre-op knee clinical score was 30(±6.409), which improved to mean post–op score of 92.17(±5.53). 37(88.1%) had excellent and 5(11.9%) had good results. 7(70%) patients in the age group <60 years, 24(96%) cases of 60–69 years and 6(85.7%) cases of ≥70 years had excellent results. 23(95.8%) females and 14(77.8%) males had excellent knee clinical scores. The mean pre-op knee functional score was 33.81(±9.988), which improved to a mean post–op score of 82.38(±6.917). 36 cases (85.7%) had excellent and 6(14.3%) had good results. 7(70%) patients <60 years, 22(88%) of 60- 69 years and 7(100%) of ≥70 years had excellent results. 21(87.5%) females and 15(83.3%) males had excellent knee functional scores.

Conclusion: Total knee arthroplasty with rotating platform design has shown excellent clinical and functional outcome without any serious complications at one year follow-up.


Keywords: total knee arthroplasty; functional outcome; rotating platform design; knee scoring system
